Gantz Volume 37

Gantz , Vol. 37
  • Format: Paperback
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Sjangere: Horror og Grøss, Science-Fiction
  • Antall spillere: 17+
  • Slippdato: 17. nov. 2015
  • Forlag: Dark Horse Comics
kr  170,10

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Gantz reaches its apocalyptic conclusion! The alien invaders have been defeated, but aboard their goliath orbiting mother ship, their final champion sends a challenge to Gantz warrior Kei Kurono:...
Gantz reaches its apocalyptic conclusion! The alien invaders have been defeated, but aboard their goliath orbiting mother ship, their final champion sends a challenge to Gantz warrior Kei Kurono: face him in single combat, or the mother ship will plunge to Earth, decimating the planet!
Sjangere: Horror og Grøss Science-Fiction
SKU 9781616555887
Opprinnelsesland : USA
Serie Gantz
Forfattere H. Oku
Sjanger Horror og Grøss, Science-Fiction
Format Paperback
Leverandørstatus Utsolgt hos leverandør
Aldersgruppe Voksen
Avansert Format Paperback
Språk Engelsk
Volum 37
Utgiver Dark Horse Comics
Antall Sider 224
Illustratør Hiroya Oku