Gateways to Terror SC

  • Format: Eventyr
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Antall spillere: 17+
  • Slippdato: 30. mar. 2020
  • Forlag: Chaosium Inc
kr  206,10

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Gateways to Terror contains three short-play scenarios for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition roleplaying game, ideal for beginning and experienced players and Keepers alike. Originally, all three (The...
Gateways to Terror contains three short-play scenarios for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition roleplaying game, ideal for beginning and experienced players and Keepers alike. Originally, all three (The Necropolis, What`s in the Cellar? and The Dead Boarder) were designed as demonstration games to give a taste of the game`s core motifs mystery, investigation, and horror for those with limited time. The scenarios can be played in as little as one hour but can be expanded for slightly longer play, and each comes with four ready-made investigators so you can jump right into the action!
SKU 9781568824451
Vekt (Kg) : 0.340000
Opprinnelsesland : Kina
Serie Call of Cthulhu RPG
Forfattere Chaosium Inc
Format Eventyr
Illustrasjoner Illustrations, unspecified; Illustrations, unspecified
Avansert Format Paperback: Trade (L)
Språk Engelsk
Leverandørstatus Tilgjengelig
Aldersgruppe Voksen
Utgiver Chaosium Inc
Antall Sider 88