Seraph of the End, Vol. 21: Vampire Reign: Volume 21

  • Format: Paperback
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Sjangere: Overnaturlig, Fantasy
  • Antall spillere: 17+
  • Slippdato: 22. jul. 2021
  • Forlag: Viz Llc
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Guren catches up to Yuichiro's captors, but does nothing to save Yuichiro from the Hyakuya Sect's clutches. Suddenly, Mahiru appears and attacks Mika! Meanwhile, Noya, the other demon inside Guren,...
Guren catches up to Yuichiro's captors, but does nothing to save Yuichiro from the Hyakuya Sect's clutches. Suddenly, Mahiru appears and attacks Mika! Meanwhile, Noya, the other demon inside Guren, stands and watches the situation unfold... Despite Guren's apparent betrayal, Yuichiro still has trust in him, but will Yuichiro decide to run away and escape with Mika once and for all?!
For older teen audiences.
Sjangere: Overnaturlig Fantasy
SKU 9781974710638
Vekt (Kg) : 0.168000
Opprinnelsesland : USA
Serie Seraph of the End
Forfattere Daisuke Furuya, Takaya Kagami, Yamato Yamamoto
Sjanger Overnaturlig, Fantasy
Format Paperback
Leverandørstatus Tilgjengelig
Aldersgruppe Voksen
Avansert Format Paperback
Språk Engelsk
Volum 21
Utgiver Viz Llc
Antall Sider 192
Illustratør Yamato Yamamoto