Laughing Under the Clouds, Volume 5

Vol. 5
  • Format: Paperback
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Sjangere: Action og Eventyr, Historie, Overnaturlig, Fantasy
  • Antall spillere: 17+
  • Slippdato: 21. des. 2021
  • Forlag: Tokyopop
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In the early Meiji era, against civil unrest and the end of the samurai way of life, Japan's crime rate skyrocketed. As prisons overflow, the government has no choice but to build a new, inescapable...
In the early Meiji era, against civil unrest and the end of the samurai way of life, Japan's crime rate skyrocketed. As prisons overflow, the government has no choice but to build a new, inescapable prison. This prison is Gokumonjo, located in the center of Lake Biwa, which means it relies on the three sons of the Kumo family to transport criminals to it. But is Gokumonjo truly just a prison for petty criminals?
Sjangere: Action og Eventyr Historie Overnaturlig Fantasy
SKU 9781427867735
Vekt (Kg) : 0.145000
Opprinnelsesland : USA
Forfattere Karakara Kemuri
Sjanger Action og Eventyr, Historie, Overnaturlig, Fantasy
Format Paperback
Leverandørstatus Tilgjengelig
Aldersgruppe Voksen
Avansert Format Paperback
Språk Engelsk
Volum 5
Utgiver Tokyopop
Antall Sider 176