Dominion: Hinterlands Expansion

  • Format: Utvidelse
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Antall spillere: 17+
  • Spilletid: 30+ minutter
  • Slippdato: 1. jan. 2011
kr  449,10

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The world is big and your kingdom small. Small when compared to the world, that is; it's moderate-sized when compared to other kingdoms. But in a big world like this one - big when compared to...
The world is big and your kingdom small. Small when compared to the world, that is; it's moderate-sized when compared to other kingdoms. But in a big world like this one - big when compared to smaller worlds anyway, if such things exist; it's moderate-sized when compared to worlds of roughly the same size, and a little small when compared to worlds just a little larger - well, to make a long story short - short when compared to longer stories anyway - it is time to stretch your borders. You've heard of far-off places - exotic countries, where they have pancakes but not waffles, where the people wear the wrong number of shirts, and don't even have a word for the look two people give each other when they each hope that the other will do something that they both want done but which neither of them wants to do. It is to these lands that you now turn your gaze.

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SKU 655132004541
Opprinnelsesland : USA
Serie Dominion
Forfattere Donald X. Vaccarino
Format Utvidelse
Brettspill Type Strategispill
Språk Engelsk
Minimum Spilltid 30+ minutter
Anbefalt Alder 13
Spilltid 30 minutter
Antall Spillere 2 - 4
Antall Spillere 2, 3, 4, 5
Anbefalt Antall Spillere 2 - 4
Mekanikk Kort-drafting
Illustratør Brian Brinlee, Eric J. Carter, Matthias Catrein, Jessica Cox, Garret DeChellis, Julien Delval, Martin Hoffmann, Lynell Ingram, Ryan Laukat, Alayna Lemmer-Danner, Dennis Lohausen, Marcel-André Casasola Merkle, Kurt Miller, Kieron O'Gorman, Mark Poole, Ma