Daredevil By Miller & Janson Omnibus

  • Format: Hardcover
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Sjangere: Science-Fiction, Superhelt, Fantasy
  • Antall spillere: 17+
  • Slippdato: 31. jan. 2023
  • Forlag: Marvel Comics
kr  899,10

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A classic Marvel hero redefined by one of comics' greatest visionaries! Frank Miller's spellbinding scripts and pulse-pounding pencils mark one of Daredevil's greatest eras - but will the Kingpin...
A classic Marvel hero redefined by one of comics' greatest visionaries! Frank Miller's spellbinding scripts and pulse-pounding pencils mark one of Daredevil's greatest eras - but will the Kingpin and Bullseye's efforts rob the Man Without Fear of everything he holds dear? Featuring the first appearances of Elektra, Stick and the Hand! The daring discovery that drew Ben Urich into Daredevil's domain of darkness! And such forgotten-yet-formidable foes as Death-Stalker and the Gladiator! Take a rare look at the formative years of a brilliant creator and the series that made him famous as traditional super-heroics mix effortlessly with mysterious martial artistry, doomed romance and dark personal drama. Guest-starring the Hulk, the Avengers and Power Man and Iron Fist! Collecting DAREDEVIL (1964) #158-161 and #163-191 and material from WHAT IF? (1977) #28.
Rated T+
Sjangere: Science-Fiction Superhelt Fantasy
SKU 9781302945534
Opprinnelsesland : USA
Serie Daredevil
Forfattere Frank Miller, Klaus Janson
Sjanger Science-Fiction, Superhelt, Fantasy
Format Hardcover
Leverandørstatus Tilgjengelig
Aldersgruppe Voksen
Avansert Format Hardcover
Forsidekunstner Frank Miller
Språk Engelsk
Illustrasjoner 840 Illustrations
Utgiver Marvel Comics
Antall Sider 840
Illustratør Frank Miller