Dangers in My Heart 01 (Japansk)
- Format: Paperback
- Språk: Japansk
- Antall spillere: 17+
- Forlag: Shonen Champion Comics
kr 143,10
Ikke medlem
OBS! Dette produktet er på JAPANSK! A "fearsome psycho-thriller" centering on "the dark side of adolescence." The manga centers on Kyoutarou Ichikawa, a person at the very bottom caste of his...
OBS! Dette produktet er på JAPANSK! A "fearsome psycho-thriller" centering on "the dark side of adolescence." The manga centers on Kyoutarou Ichikawa, a person at the very bottom caste of his school, and who hides murderous impulse that lurks at the very bottom of his soul.
SKU | 9784253226158 |
Opprinnelsesland : | Japan |
Serie | Dangers in My Heart JAPANSK |
Forfattere | Norio Sakurai |
Format | Paperback |
Språk | Japansk |
Volum | 1 |
Utgiver | Shonen Champion Comics |
Antall Sider | 162 |