Alice in the Country of Clover: Cheshire Cat Waltz Vol. 7

  • Format: Paperback
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Sjangere: Kjærlighet og Romanse, Fantasy
  • Antall spillere: 17+
  • Slippdato: 19. nov. 2013
  • Forlag: Seven Seas Entertainment
kr  170,10

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kr  189,00

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The final volume in the New York Times-bestselling manga series about Alice and the Cheshire Cat! His name is Boris, and despite his human form and piercings and tattoos, he is not your typical punk...
The final volume in the New York Times-bestselling manga series about Alice and the Cheshire Cat! His name is Boris, and despite his human form and piercings and tattoos, he is not your typical punk teenager. For he is the Cheshire Cat, complete with cat ears and a tail, and a penchant for riddles. Boris is in madly love with Alice, and Alice is vulnerable and lonely. But will she fall for the Cheshire Cat?
Sjangere: Kjærlighet og Romanse Fantasy
SKU 9781937867744
Vekt (Kg) : 0.238000
Opprinnelsesland : USA
Serie Alice in the country of clover
Forfattere QuinRose
Sjanger Kjærlighet og Romanse, Fantasy
Format Paperback
Leverandørstatus Ikke tilgjengelig
Aldersgruppe Ungdom, Voksen
Avansert Format Paperback
Språk Engelsk
Volum 7
Illustrasjoner black & white illustrations throughout, colour inserts
Utgiver Seven Seas Entertainment
Antall Sider 192